1954th Contracting Team deploys in support of Operation Spartan Shield

One of the most important parts of any deployment is taking care of families when their Soldiers leave home.
That was the message shared by New Mexico National Guard leaders during a Yellow Ribbon ceremony for the 1954th Contracting Team held Jan. 17 at the Rio Rancho Readiness Center.
The team is deploying to the United States Central Command area of responsibility in support of Operation Spartan Shield, where they will provide contracting services to thousands of Service Members.
Maj. Gen. Kenneth Nava, the adjutant general of New Mexico, presided over the ceremony.
“Contracting happens behind the scenes, but these folks are going to be doing great things,” said Nava. “They’ll be helping thousands of Soldiers in that area by doing a critical job. We simply cannot do what we do without them.”
Nava thanked the families of the team for their sacrifices and implored them to contact the NMNG for any help they might need while their Soldiers are away.
“Do not hesitate to call me, or one of these other great leaders, if you need information or you need our family resources,” Nava said. “We’re all part of this New Mexico National Guard family and we’re here for you.”
Col. Nathaniel Carper, the commander of the 111th Sustainment Brigade, thanked the team for their work preparing for the deployment and for the work that they will complete while overseas and spoke about the importance of the Yellow Ribbon ceremony.
“It is an opportunity for our fellow service members to look their comrades in the eye and pay homage to their work,” Carper said. “It is an opportunity for our community to see what our Service Members do for this great nation. Thank you for what you do and what you will do.”
Numerous speakers mirrored Nava’s message of support, including Mahlon Love, civilian aide to the Secretary of the Army emeritus; Lt. Col. Michael Calhoon, the commander of the 111th Special Troops Battalion; and Lt. Col. Andre Archuleta, the team leader of the 1954th Contracting Team.
“We have some of the finest leadership anywhere in the nation standing right here,” Love said. “I congratulate all of you and I know that you’ll serve us well.”
Love spoke to the families about the commitment of the NMNG to them during the deployment.
“You’re going to be well taken care of, and we mean it sincerely,” Love said. “This is a great organization. Don’t hesitate to call.”
Calhoon also shared his contact information with the team’s families.
“We have three echelons of leadership here to support you,” said Calhoon. “I mean it, and I wish you all luck on your deployment.”
After guests and leaders concluded their remarks, the team and their families tied yellow ribbons onto an evergreen tree, where they will remain until the Soldiers return from their deployment.
After tying on his ribbon, Archuleta concluded the ceremony by addressing the audience.
“Thank you for this wonderful opportunity and for lending me your Soldiers,” Archuleta said. “They are divided. On the one hand, they don’t want to leave, but on the other, they want to do their job. They could not do it without you. It’s a small team and we know each other well, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”
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