RTI produces 14 transporters

Battalion Operations NCO Master Sgt. Wael Alyasi presented challenge coins to Staff Sgt. William Merritt and Sgt. Bailey Lackie at the start of the ceremony. Merritt, a member of the U.S. Army Reserve from Texas, served as class leader for Phase I. Lackie, a member of the Minnesota Army National Guard, was the class leader for Phase II. Staff Sgt. Matthew Palumberi, an Army Reservist from New Hampshire, was the first to receive his diploma as the Distinguished Honor Graduate. Spc. Travis Kelly, an Army Reservist from Illinois, received his diploma next as the Honor Graduate. The remaining graduates are as follows. Spc. Margaret Helman, USAR, Pennsylvania Sgt. William Palmer, USAR, Illinois Spc. Katie Harshutz, Wisconsin Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Eric LaFollette, Tennessee Army National Guard Staff Sgt. Seth Marlar, Kansas Army National Guard Pfc. Tautua Reed, USAR, Nevada Staff Sgt. Brian Finlay, Florida Army National Guard Spc. Tony Schiessl, USAR, Arizona Spc. Daniel Caceres, USAR, California Staff Sgt. Kyle Criss, Oregon Army National Guard Finlay provided the invocation and benediction. Alyasi thanked the students for a problem-free class. “This course is about more than driving,” Alyasi said. “You are operators. You are now the Subject Matter Expert. Take that back to your units.” The students voted Staff Sgt. Timothy Evans as the Instructor of the Cycle. Evans, who served as the master of ceremonies, reminded the graduates that their connection to the RTI and its cadre did not end with the ceremony. “We’re still here for you,” Evans said. “If you have a question or we can help you, get in touch with us.” Course Manager Master Sgt. Monterey Herrera and Chief Instructor Sgt. 1st Class Nelson Cordova joined Alyasi in comprising the official party. Sergeants 1st Class Adolfo Maes, Eric Regensberg, and John Crespin are the program’s senior instructors. Staff Sergeants Leo Aguillon, Eli Castellano, Jason Guthrie, Eric Rosas, and Evans are the program’s instructors. The New Mexico RTI conducts Phase I and Phase II back to back to send fully qualified Motor Transport Operators back to their units.
