NMNG participates in Albuquerque’s Veterans Day ceremony

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Veterans, families, and Service Members stood in the chilly morning wind yesterday to observe Veterans Day at the New Mexico Veterans Memorial here.
Senior Airman Alvina Gorash from the 377th Medical Group was the master of ceremonies for the event, which focused on the role of noncommissioned officers in the military. She was the first enlisted woman to play the part. Tim Keller, the mayor of Albuquerque, recognized the city’s high population of Veterans during the ceremony. “The call to service has been one of the most powerful unifying agents that have made us who we are as New Mexicans,” Keller said. “There has always been a profound and deep dedication to the call to arms to protect the union.” Staff Sgt. Rebekah Delgado of the New Mexico National Guard 44th Army Band sang the national anthem with The Dukes of Albuquerque – American Legion band. Command Sgt. Maj. Jerry Garcia, the NMNG state command sergeant major, delivered the Veterans Day Address during the ceremony. “Today we honor you, our nation’s veterans,” Garcia said, “American veterans fight tyranny and injustice, uphold freedom and rush to render aid in the face of catastrophe. Most of all, our veterans make the world safe for democracy.” During the ceremony, 377th Air Base Wing and Kirtland Air Force Base installation commander, swore in recent enlistees. “I want to thank all of those that support those that serve, and I thank all those that served,” Garcia said. “Thank you and God bless.”  
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