RTI produces 19 new Transporters

At the start of the ceremony, MSG Wael Alyasi presented regimental coins to SGT Maurice Bow and SGT Mallory Zietz for their service as student leaders. Bow, an Army Reservist from California, was the class leader during Phase I. Zeitz, a member of the South Dakota Army National Guard, was the Phase II class leader. Alyasi is 2nd Battalion’s operations NCO. He also provided the keynote speech. “When you get back home, what you’ve learned here for the last four weeks—27 days—take it with you,” Alyasi said. “Be an instructor in your unit.” As the Distinguished Honor Graduate, SGT Matthew Barnes of the Florida Army National Guard was the first to receive his diploma. SGT Joseph Kolle of the Missouri Army National Guard was next as the Honor Graduate. The remaining graduates were as follows. SGT Adam Shuster, Pennsylvania Army National Guard SGT Phong Nguyen, Iowa, Army Reserve SSG Joshua Vandekop, Montana Army National Guard SPC Sor Lo, Wisconsin, Army Reserve SPC Joshua Mayes, Tennessee Army National Guard SPC Garrett Boin, Missouri Army National Guard SSG James Jackson, Arizona, Army Reserve SGT Talaleomalie Mortenson, American Samoa, Army Reserve SPC Joram Bryant, Iowa, Army Reserve SGT Jackson Sheedy, Arizona Army National Guard SGT Francisco Campos-Gerardo, California, Army Reserve CPL Andrew Furgeson, Illinois, Army Reserve SPC Carlos Cantu, Texas, Army Reserve SPC Robert Steed, Utah, Army Reserve SGT Joseph Barnes, Missouri Army National Guard Course Manager SFC Monterey Herrera and Chief Instructor SFC Nelson Cordova joined Alyasi in the official party. SFC Adolfo Maes, SFC Eric Regensberg, and SFC John Crespin are the course’s senior instructors. SSG Leo Aguillon, SSG Jason Guthrie, SSG Timothy Evans, and SSG Eric Rosas are the course instructors. Evans also served as today’s master of ceremonies. Alyasi thanked the graduates for attending and wished them safe travels back home.
