RSP hands off 17 Soldiers to units

The Soldiers and their respective units are as follows. PFC Melisa Dominguez, 111th Sustainment Brigade PFC Melanie Maes, 111th Sustainment Brigade PFC Karen Ruiz-Estrada, 111th Sustainment Brigade PFC Dustin Chavez, 126th Military Police Company PFC Roberto Esslinger-Lechuga, 129th Military Police Company PFC Maria Anna Gomez-Hausner, 126th Military Police Company SPC Peter Sisbarro, 126th Military Police Company PV2 Anthony Trujillo, 126th Military Police Company SPC Lydia Garlits, 1209th Area Medical Detachment SPC Dwight Brown, 3631st Signal Company PFC Matthew Soderberg, 3631st Signal Company PFC Alexis Toledo, 642nd Ordnance Company PFC Connor Hughes, 1115th Transportation Company PFC Christopher Tarin, 920th Engineer Company PFC Dannica Saiz, 720th Transportation Company PFC Isaac Gamboa, 919th Military Police Company PFC Patricio Montoya, 919th Military Police Company These Soldiers successfully completed Initial Military Training, consisting of Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training. Gamboa finished AIT as the Honor Graduate of his class. He also had the highest scores for Basic Rifle Marksmanship and the Army Physical Fitness Test during his cycle. “Gamboa killed it during training,” said MAJ Rudylee Armijo, the Recruiting and Retention Battalion commander. “As a result, he’ll be going to Air Assault School in April.” Hughes graduated on the Commandant’s List, which is limited to the top 20 percent of each class. Chavez, Esslinger-Lechuga, Gomez-Hausner, Tarin, and Saiz all attained the highest BRM score of their respective cycles. Brown, Garlits, Sisbarro, Dominguez, Ruiz-Estrada, Chavez, Gomez-Hausner, Soderberg, Toledo, Hughes, Tarin, Saiz, and Montoya were promoted to their current ranks during the ceremony. SPC Anica Lucero was also promoted to her current rank. She is on a hold status, during which she works as a cadre member of the program. She is slated for future duty with the 1209th Area Medical Detachment. Lucero served as the master of ceremonies for today’s ceremony. PV2 Emily Dillon, 1209th Area Medical Detachment, was unable to attend the ceremony. Her handoff will occur later, at which time she will receive a promotion to PFC. Indicating the recent IMT graduates, Armijo said, “This is what success looks like to me.” New Mexico Army National Guard Chief of Staff COL Daniel Stark said, “To the families, thank you for being here. More importantly, thank you for trusting us with your sons and daughters.” RSP prepares recruits for the rigors of IMT. The Recruiting and Retention Battalion oversees the program.
