NMNG Soldiers and Airmen working on COVID mission get inoculated against coronavirus

By Joseph Vigil, Chief of Public Affairs, NMNG
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – New Mexico National Guard Soldiers and Airmen working COVID missions, along with senior leaders, were inoculated against the coronavirus this week. NMNG medical teams also began administering vaccines to New Mexico Citizens.
This is a huge step in helping to defeat the coronavirus as the NMNG continues assisting the Department of Health to distribute and administer vaccines around the state. NMNG personnel have been involved in the planning, distribution, warehouse administration and logistical support of getting the vaccine delivered statewide. Our NMNG medics and their teams inoculated over 3,800 New Mexico Citizens in the past couple of days. They also continue to operate rapid testing teams and Curative test sites.
As part of that vaccine distribution process, our New Mexico National Guard medical professionals were trained and have been busy inoculating our Soldiers and Airmen who are out working the frontlines with our first responders and health professionals.
“Colonels Craig Gilcrease, Eric Vinge and their medical teams are running a smooth and efficient operation to get our personnel inoculated so we can continue to assist our New Mexico citizens in a safe manner,” said Maj. Gen. Ken Nava, the Adjutant General of New Mexico.
Nava said he had also received the vaccine.
“I am looking forward to the day where we can look at COVID-19 as something of the past,” said Nava. “This vaccination helps us get there. It helps keep me safe, as well as my loved ones and others working with me.”
Nava reminds us that he still has to do his part in following all the recommended guidelines of masking up, washing hands often and social distancing while out in public in order to defeat the virus.