New Mexico National Guard Soldiers and Airmen deploy to D.C. in support of Presidential Inauguration

By Joseph Vigil, Chief of Public Affairs, NMNG
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – New Mexico National Guard Soldiers and Airmen deployed over the weekend to Washington D.C in support of the 59th Presidential Inauguration. They are part of over 25,000 National Guard men and women from around the country who have been authorized to conduct security, communication and logistical missions in support of federal and D.C. authorities through the Jan. 20 inauguration and beyond as necessary.
National Guard civil support to law enforcement in the Nation’s Capital includes protecting Members of Congress and Congressional personnel, securing the grounds and property of the U.S. Capitol, staffing traffic control points, providing point/area security, providing crowd management and parking coordination, providing medical and logistical support, and supporting other missions mutually agreed upon with civilian law enforcement authorities.
Maj. Gen. Ken Nava, the Adjutant General of New Mexico, took a few minutes to address New Mexico Soldiers and Airmen deploying on this mission before they boarded the KC- 135 aircraft bound for D.C.
“This mission provides you the great opportunity to work and experience our democracy at work as you go to assist with a peaceful transition of power,” said Maj. Gen. Ken Nava, the Adjutant General of New Mexico. “I know you are going do a great job. Please stay safe and look out for each other as you go support this historic mission.”
Col. Nate Carper, chief of staff for the New Mexico Army National Guard, addressed another group of Soldiers on behalf of Nava at the Rio Rancho Readiness Center.
“We are incredibly proud and amazed at your responsiveness and how you have come together in a few short days to be prepared to deploy,” said Carper. “Many of you just came back from deployment on the Horn of Africa and you raised your hands to volunteer for this mission. Enjoy working this mission and most importantly – stay safe, look out for each other and do the right thing.”
National Guard support to presidential inaugurations dates to April 30, 1789, when local militia members (today’s National Guard) joined the U.S. Army and revolutionary war veterans to form an honor detail and escort Gen. George Washington to his inauguration ceremony in New York City from Mount Vernon, Va. Over the years, National Guard involvement has grown and is designated to honor the commander-in-chief, recognize civilian control of the military, and celebrate democracy.