New Mexico's World War II Veterans honored

By Joseph Vigil, Chief of Public Affairs, NMNG

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – World War II veterans from New Mexico were honored for their service at a ceremony hosted by Honor Flight of Northern New Mexico at the New Mexico Veterans Memorial on June 26th, 2021. Because of the current pandemic, the Honor Flight of Northern New Mexico produced the ceremony to recognize these veterans, who in normal times would be flown to the nation’s capital to visit the World War II Memorial.

Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller welcomed the veterans to the Duke City, thanked them for their bravery and service, and asked that we continue to tell the stories of their selfless service. He and U.S. Senator Ben Ray Lujan presented the veterans with World War II pins.

“We are proud of our veterans and as a son of a veteran, I believe we must continue to remember the sacrifices our veterans made and continue to tell their story,” said Keller. “It is also important for us to be there for everyone after they return from conflict.”

Keller also thanked Anna Sanchez and Adeline Herrera who had the foresight to say, “if we can’t take them to Washington, D.C., let’s do something to honor them here at home.

Senator Lujan said if not for the pandemic, he would be helping welcome our New Mexico veterans and sharing remarks with them at the World War II Memorial back in our nation’s capital.

“It is fitting that we are here today to pay gratitude to a generation of veterans that served our country, fought for us and allowed us to be here,” said Lujan. “Together we must keep their stories alive and remind future generations of what it took for us to be here today in the United States.”

In addition to thanking all that served on the front lines, Lujan also thanked spouses and family because they also served.

“Service to our country is a family responsibility and so many of you understand that personally,” said Lujan. “Generations of hard-working New Mexicans have left their homes for service. My own grandfather, Luis Lujan served in World War II and recounted stories of bravery of him and his fellow soldiers.”

Lujan said New Mexico has a proud legacy of service in our Armed Forces and we are incredibly proud of all our heroes.

“In my service in the House and Senate, it has always been a top priority for me to carry forward your stories and make sure that America fulfills its promise to our veterans,” said Lujan.

Maj. Gen. Ken Nava, the Adjutant General of New Mexico, who handed out his coins for excellence to the veterans on behalf of the 4,000 Soldiers and Airmen of the New Mexico National Guard, also said he was honored to be in the presence of these great veterans.

“As I walk by and shook all your hands, I saw both my grandfathers, Thomas Arrey and Eleuterio Nava, who served alongside you and World War II, one in the European theater and one in the Pacific theater,” said Nava. “What an incredible group of individuals you are, members the greatest generation and I thank you for your sacrifices.”

Linda Robinson with the Quilts of Valor said she was honored to be here to thank these veterans she called the bravest generation as she joined fellow quilters from the Northern New Mexico Quilters Guild to present them with a Quilt of Valor – which has been presented to over 273,000 veterans nationally.

“Through volunteer efforts, the Northern New Mexico Quilters Guild supports the mission of the Quilts of Valor to cover over 800 New Mexico servicemembers and veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor,” said Robinson. “We honor you for your service and strength of duty and allegiance to our country, for freedom is not free and the cost of freedom is dedication of lives like yours, and this quilt is meant to say thank you for your sacrifice. It is meant to offer comfort and remind you that you are forever in our hearts.”

New Mexico Department of Veterans Services cabinet secretary Sonya Smith said she appreciates the love that has gone into each and every unique quilt the veterans received.

“On a personal note, I stand on your shoulders,” she told the World War II veterans. “Your sacrifices have paved the way, not only for me to serve in the Air Force, but to serve you in this position today. My staff and I don’t take this lightly. We are here to serve you so put us to work.”

“In the benediction, NMNG Chaplain Maj. Thi Truong said, “may each generation circle back to the legacy of our World War II veterans to make sure we haven’t lost our way.”

World War II veterans recognized at the ceremony were:
Burton Platero who served in the U.S. Navy and Army Air Corps and took part in the Berlin airlift.

Danny Sandoval who served as a U.S. Army lieutenant working a first aid station in World War II and has received presidential citations for his service.

Rudy Rosales who served in the U.S. Marines in an amphibian tractor in Guadalcanal, Guam and Okinawa.

Chris Quintana who served in the U.S. Army, combat infantry in Guam, Philippines and others. He received the Bronze Star for his superior actions.

John Vogt who served in the U.S. Marines as a sergeant in the Pacific theater.

Ancil Bud Newton Williams, US Navy who served in Operation Magic Carpet, Pacific theater.

Rosendo Garcia who served in the U.S. Air Force as a tail gunner on a B-17 aircraft. He flew 32 missions in the European theater.

Patrick Goodwin, who served in the U.S. Army, European theater.

Tommie Jewell who served as a paratrooper in the U.S. Army, European theater in the Battle of the Bulge and Market Garden.

Herbert Larue who served as a U.S. Navy Corpsman aboard the USS Houston.

Tom Moses who served as a U.S. Army Colonel and Brigade Commander.

Jose Pepe Astorga who served as a U.S. Navy pharmacist on the USS Lanier, Pacific theater, three Battle Stars.

Albert Bachetti who served in the U.S. Army, 5th Infantry Division, European theater and received the Bronze Star and two Battle Stars.

Al Baye who served as a Chief Warrant Officer 4, U.S. Army, Pacific theater.

Bill Drumm who served in the U.S. Army Air Corps as a pilot in the Berlin crisis, Korean War, Cuban missile crisis and Vietnam.

Pedro Pete Garcia who served in the U.S. Navy as the ship’s serviceman barber in the South Pacific, Okinawa, Battle of Saipan, Philippines, Guam, Hiroshima, Pearl Harbor.