After 33 years of selfless service, Chacon calls it a career

After 33 years of selfless service, Chacon calls it a career

Chacon presented a slideshow showing all the different types of uniforms he has worn throughout his career, including his NMMI cadet uniform where he said he was in the best shape of his life because General Tom Bump was a rucking machine. Chacon said he was blessed to serve as an enlisted Soldier first, giving him a good understanding of what those duties are like. “I loved the Chaps and the Infantry battalion because I enjoyed being out in the field getting dirty with the Soldiers,” Chacon said. “The RTI was also a great assignment because you won’t find a more professional group of men and women anywhere. It brings happiness to my heart to know that there are great men and women who are going to continue to keep this organization growing.” Chacon also said he had a lot of great mentors to thank. “You can’t do this alone,” he said. “You have to find someone you look up to and ask them to take you under their wing.” Chacon was awarded the New Mexico Distinguished Service Medal and presented with his Certificate of Retirement, retirement pin, a Certificate of Service from the Chief of NGB, and Certificates of Appreciation from the Adjutant General and Governor Susana Martinez. He was also honored with a flag folding ceremony. Chacon received a brevet promotion to brigadier general. For Chacon, hanging up his military boots closes the chapter of his military life. He will continue to work in the IT and cyber field at Sandia Labs, but plans to enjoy his weekends fishing and hunting in the great outdoors.]]>