Esparza promoted to Major

By Joseph Vigil, Chief of Public Affairs, NMNG
RIO RANCHO, N.M. – Maj. Sergio Esparza celebrated his promotion to his present rank with family and fellow Soldiers at a small ceremony held August 28, 2020, at the Rio Rancho Readiness Center. He was pinned with his new major leave insignia by his wife Myra.
Col. Nate Carper, the 111th Sustainment Brigade commander who presided over the ceremony, said he has known Sergio since 2009 when they were both getting ready to deploy to Kosovo.
“Sergio is a well prepared, savvy planner who continues to perform in tremendous fashion,” said Carper. “His performance as the state’s first S1/S4 dual entry-level officer led to having that position in every battalion in the state. He then went on to command one of the best company’s in the state, and as his battalion XO, I didn’t have to worry much about that company.”
Carper gave credit to Esparza and his wife Myra for taking one for the Guard team as they moved their young family for a tour at National Guard Bureau.
“Sergio came back to the New Mexico National Guard with a whole lot of knowledge, qualifications and a great understanding of force structure from an NGB perspective,” said Carper. “He is a steward of the profession who continues to move forward. I know he’s going to do a phenomenal job as the Brigade’s S3.”
Esparza said that when the Chief of National Guard Bureau, General Joseph Lengyl, addressed the NMNG’s Hall of Honor audience back in November, his comment about officers building their careers on the shoulders of a lot of great people stuck in his mind.
“I want to thank those shoulders who allowed me to reach this level,” said Esparza. “First, I thank God for blessing me beyond expectations. Next, my wife and family for carrying the most weight and sacrificing for my military service. Next, mentors like Col. Carper whose mentor-ship program has molded my career. When planning and making decisions, I always refer to what I learned in that program. Finally, the NCOs and Soldiers – nothing is more reaffirming as an officer than for your NCOs’ to tell you ‘we got this Sir.’ When you hear those words you know it is going to be OK no matter how hard it is.”
In closing, Esparza called the NMNG an amazing organization that gives people like him the opportunity to succeed every day.
The newly promoted major was grateful and eager to renew his oath in front of his family and friends.
Maj. Mario Chaparro said it is tough to see him leave the battalion but is happy to where he is heading as the 111th Sustainment Brigade S3.
“Leadership puts people in the right position and your knowledge is going to benefit the entire brigade,” said Chaparro. “Thank you for everything you have done. We are going to continue to bug you and pick your brain.”
Chaparro then presented a gift to Esparza and Myra with a framed Military Spouses Certificate for her sacrifices and support.
Col. Pia Romero, the ‘soon to be’ 111th Sustainment Brigade commander welcomed Esparza to 111th and said she looks forward to working with him.
Lt. Col. Peter Romero, the 615th Battalion commander, thanked Esparza for all the great work he has done for the battalion.
“You made us a better battalion and all of us better people,” said Romero. “Now you’re moving up and you’re going to continue to do great things for the organization.”