Gonzales promoted to Colonel

Gonzales promoted to Colonel

Nava said he has known Gonzales for a long time and called him a true professional. They were deployed at the same time to Iraq, even though they didn’t work in the same areas. “Tom went up to National Guard Bureau and worked in Force Modernization,” Nava said. “As we do our station plans, rework our force structure and work on growing the New Mexico National Guard, it’s people that Tom knows that continue to help us to this day, so for that, I am very grateful.” Nava said that Gonzales has done a lot in his career, but this is not about what he has done to this point, it is about what he will do going forward. “I am excited to see what he is going to bring to the New Mexico National Guard in the rest of his career,” Nava said. “We are all getting towards the end of our careers, so let’s make this the best National Guard we can for our young 18-year-olds. Tom, our challenge is to lead them and give them everything they need to train and be successful.” As Gonzales took the podium he thanked Nava for the trust and confidence he has in him to serve as a Colonel on Nava’s staff and said it is truly a blessing to be a member of this great organization. Gonzales said he could have never imagined 30 years ago when he signed up as a private in Charlie Battery, 4-200th Air Defense (a unit that he later commanded) that he would be destined to achieve the rank of colonel. “As I look back at all the blessings in my life, I realize that I could have not done it without my family,” Gonzales said. “My wife put her career on hold so that she could focus on taking care of us and holding down the fort. Through all the good and stressful times, deployments, and my traveling, she continues to stand with me, support me and give me the encouragement to stay resilient.” Gonzales also acknowledged the hard work of his children and said he is very proud of them and loves them very much. “To my parents, thank you for teaching me the value of hard work, dedication and a good education,” Gonzales said. “My father, Charles, is a retired command sergeant major from the New Mexico National Guard and my mother Isabel started her career as a front desk clerk of a cleaner and through hard work and dedication, purchased the business and made it one of the most prosperous businesses in the area.” Gonzales also thanked the many officers and NCO’s that played an instrumental role in mentoring him and said he could not have achieved this rank without them. “We have an opportunity to shape the future and make our New Mexico National Guard the very best to serve and protect the citizens of New Mexico and be ready when the nation calls us,” Gonzales said. “We are moving this organization at a rapid pace and I am proud to be part of it.” Gonzales currently serves as the deputy G3 with Col. Jamison Herrera, an assignment he enjoys. Gonzales enlisted in the New Mexico National Guard in 1987. He graduated from Eastern New Mexico University with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and earned his commission in the Reserve Officer Training Corp program there in 1990. He has held numerous positions, from platoon leader to command and staff positions and in 2006, he was selected by the Adjutant General of New Mexico to perform a Title-10 tour in Washington D.C. for two years, working at the National Guard Bureau as the future force manager for all 54 states and territories. In February 2009, he was again called to assume command of the 720th Transportation Company from Las Vegas, New Mex. and deployed the unit to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.]]>