House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith visits New Mexico Air National Guard

Smith was also able to view the satellite work and advanced solar capabilities taking place on Kirtland AFB and received briefings from base leadership. “We are grateful that Chairman Smith is able to visit New Mexico this week,” said Haaland. “We appreciate his work on the armed services committee. We know how important Kirtland Air Force Base is to that committee, the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) and we are glad he is able to come tour it first hand.” Chairman Smith said the visit provided him the opportunity to look at what New Mexico does. “This gives me a great overview of what Kirtland does along with what the National Guard unit has here,” said Smith. “I appreciate being here with Congresswoman Haaland and I’m glad to have visited White Sands Missile Range yesterday with Congresswoman Torres Small. I know how crucial this state is to our national security.” Recently, the House Armed Services Committee passed the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, which included support for New Mexico’s military installations, national labs and also required a report of additional options for achieving deployable flying missions in each of the 54 National Guard organizations across the nation. Nava said the New Mexico National Guard is committed to meeting the needs of the Air Force, but we are looking for opportunities to do more in service to our nation and have more capability to serve here in our state of New Mexico. “We can continue to grow the New Mexico Air National Guard and give young New Mexicans they same opportunities that our Guardsmen and I have had,” said Nava. “I want them to have the opportunity to excel and do great things.”
