New Mexico National Guard Aviation Crew Performs Early Morning Life Saving Mission on Southwest Border

request emergency extraction for three CBP agents who had run out of supplies in the Animas Mountains. A CBP agent lost his life a few weeks prior in a similar situation.

The UH- 72 Lakota crew operated by Chief Warrant Officer 3 Joseph Romero, Chief Warrant Officer 2 Samantha Palos and Sgt. Tyrel Ortega reached the extraction site shortly before 1 am. “I received the call around 11 pm requesting air support for three CBP agents in need of medical assistance and possible extraction,” said Hernandez. “We quickly coordinated a crew and proper higher headquarters approvals, plotted our coordinates, performed our pre-flight checks and were airborne to pickup a medic and supplies in less than two hours.” Upon arrival at the extraction site, the crew provided medical assistance to the three CBP agents who were dangerously dehydrated and cramping, then extracted the agents to safety and returned for four additional agents who had arrived to assist as well. They completed the mission at 5 am. “My hat goes off to this crew of professionals who executed the mission flawlessly in the middle of the night with winds of over 25 knots,” said Hernandez. “But that’s what we do. I thank them for saving their lives.” “This is great work done by one of our aviation crews and coordinating team members,” said Maj. Gen. Ken Nava, the Adjutant General of New Mexico. “There are three families out there that are very grateful for the work you do for the New Mexico National Guard on behalf of our citizens.”