NM Youth ChalleNGe Cadets tour NMNG to learn more about opportunities in the Guard

Dale Smith, education coordinator for the New Mexico Youth ChalleNGe Academy, said 105 cadets from Class Cycle 37 who are getting ready to graduate December 14, 2019, came up from their Roswell campus to experience training on mobile simulators, maneuver obstacle courses, tour the NMNG’s aviation facilities, visit the New Mexico Military Museum, learn about state government at the Roundhouse and experience the creativity of Santa Fe’s Meow Wolf. “We do one big trip like this per cycle because they don’t always have the opportunity to do these things,” said Smith. “It gives them the opportunity to get away from the environment they have been training in to learn new things and meet new people.” According to Smith, most have expressed interest in futures in the military and this provides them a chance to see what that’s about, how they have to act, what’s expected of them and what they can look forward to. Many of the Cycle 37 cadets have finished their classwork. completed their equivalency exams and their vo-tech programs. “The New Mexico Youth ChalleNGe Academy is an amazing program because it takes kids who oftentimes feel they don’t have anybody that cares about them or their futures and it shows them people do care and gives them the opportunity to look at chances past where they have been,” said Smith. “They are good kids and need a chance. It’s ok for them to realize what they have gone through and learn they can come out on the positive side.” To learn more about the New Mexico Youth ChalleNGe Academy, visit NMYCA.net
