NMNG joins community in Bataan-Corregidor commemoration

In his remarks to the audience, guest speaker Maj. Gen. Kenneth A. Nava, Adjutant General of the New Mexico National Guard, spoke about New Mexico’s significant participation and sacrifice during the battle for the Philippines. “I’m a native New Mexican,” Nava said. “I take incredible pride in the patriotism displayed by the citizens of our great state … a state so profoundly impacted by the New Mexico National Guard’s role in World War II, specifically in the Philippines.” It was on April 9, 1942 – seventy six years ago, that the 200th and 505th Coast Artillery Regiment, comprised of many New Mexican Soldiers, were surrendered by their higher headquarters to the Japanese after four months of fierce, and ultimately futile, battle. Of the 1,816 New Mexican fighters, 829 died in battle, as POWs, or immediately after liberation.]]>