NMNG transporters ready for any mission.

simulated training at the EST—a computer-based virtual weapons trainer—serves as the initial weapons training most units receive before preforming live-fire exercises at an actual range.

“This is actually phase two and phase three of range training that we are doing today,” said Capt. Jerome Bustamante, the commander of the 720th Trans. Co. “Phase one is a little older training with a power-point presentation followed by a written test. Phase two we do a few iterations of zeroing, qualification and react to live-fire qualifications, and phase three is more physically demanding similar to phase two.” The 720th Trans. Co. is scheduled to complete the live-fire qualifications within the following months, which is also an annual requirement for most NMNG units. Despite the fact the training is required, the Soldiers of the 720th have become more resolute with their training because of their future mission. “We don’t know where we are being sent to yet, but we have been given the order to start preparing for a [mission],” said Bustamante. The 720th Trans. Co. is a medium truck company equipped with the M915 tractor and trailer. The mission of a medium truck company is to haul commodities, supplies, and goods to units in an overseas theater. Transportation units also serve an important role in many domestic emergency response missions. “In the civilian world, we are known as truck drivers,” said Bustamante. “We make sure that our [Soldiers] out there stay supplied.” Bustamante stated that the unit would be following up its initial weapons training with more intense, mission-focused training as more information about the mission became known. Despite not knowing the precise details of the mission, Bustamante wanted to reassure all of the Soldiers and their families that the Soldiers will be taken care of if the unit is deployed overseas. “When I first deployed to Iraq in 2004, I was nervous too, but this is what we train for, and this is what we do,” said Bustamante. “If you’re worried, just remember that we’re all family and we’ll be taking care of one another out there.”