Onate Military Complex gets a spruce up during Earth Day

By Joseph Vigil, Chief of Public Affairs, NMNG Onate Military Complex gets a spruce up during Earth Day SANTA FE, NM – The New Mexico National Guard performed some spring cleaning at the Onate Military Complex on Earth Day, May 11. Members from the Environment Branch teamed up with volunteers from other departments to not only spruce up the outdoor living areas, but also establish graveled walking trails from the JFHQ to the DIS and the Finance offices. A walking trail was also built through the new park being established in the northern front area of the JFHQ building.
“Earth day is not only about the overall environment, it is also about the environment of where we work and live,” said Chris Fritzsche, NMNG environmental specialist. “Creating livable green spaces to improve health is important. When our employees look out their window, we want them to see more than just concrete and asphalt – we want to make things more presentable and a nicer place to be.” Capt. Jerome Bustamante, the environmental program manager, said that work has been done at readiness centers since the official Earth Day on April 22. “We planted four trees on May 4th at the 64th CST team house at the Rio Rancho Training Site,” Bustamante said. “We wanted this to be a joint effort, not just the environment team, but the entire Onate Complex workers and their families – that is why I brought my daughter Bella to today’s event.” Fritzsche helped lead the Earth Day Trail project by prepping the site, staging equipment and materials. He also did some work on the Onate Complex leading up to the May 11 Earth Day. “On Arbor Day, we planted two pinon trees in a joint effort with the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department which began our Earth Day efforts,” Fritzsche said. “We have also planted a tree to replace one that died off.” Fritzsche said environment department personnel and state maintenance personnel also removed five diseased trees from the front of the Regional Training Institute and are looking at replacing those at a later date with something a little more hearty and durable. Additionally, the vehicle and equipment displays have also been moved along the visitor center fence line by the Rio Rancho Field Maintenance Shop to make them viewable to visitors without having to enter the complex.