Ortega departs for Pentagon

Ortega is leaving for a two-year tour at The Pentagon, where he will be working directly for Sgt. Maj. of the Army Daniel Dailey. 919th Commander Capt. Matthew Nguyen began the ceremony by presenting Ortega with the Army Commendation Medal in recognition of his dedicated service as the unit’s Readiness Noncommissioned Officer. 1st Sgt. Michael Yardman presented Ortega with a plaque and oversaw the gifts of bouquets to Ortega’s wife and mother and the designation of Ortega’s sons Ashton and Austin as Honorary MP Sergeants of the 919th. Yardman said that Ortega was scheduled to complete three interviews for the tour at The Pentagon, but landed the assignment after the first two interviews. The third interview turned out to be a congratulatory phone call from Dailey informing Ortega that he had been selected. Ortega thanked his wife Melinda for her willingness to relocate the family to Arlington, Virginia. He also thanked his mother and fellow Soldiers for their support. Ortega presented framed copies of “The Soldier’s Prayer” to Yardman, Staff Sgt. Isaiah Vigil (Supply NCO) and Staff Sgt. Ashley Werner (Training NCO). “These three have always been here for me, and (pointing to the Soldiers in formation) they’ve always been here for you,” Ortega said. Newly-promoted Sgt. 1st Class Joaquin Romero is replacing Ortega as Readiness NCO. “I’m leaving the unit in good hands,” said Ortega. 226th Military Police Battalion Command Sgt. Maj. Luis Tellez gave Ortega a Warrior Stick to take to The Pentagon. “As a warrior, you’ve earned the right to carry this stick,” Tellez said. Senior leaders present took turns praising Ortega’s accomplishments and expressing confidence in his ability to succeed at The Pentagon. These leaders included Col. Michael Treadwell, Commander of the 93rd Troop Command; 93rd Command Sgt. Maj. James Verdugo; Sgt. Maj. Gerald Burkhart, 93rd Operations Sergeant Major; 226th Commander Lt. Col. Danny Olson; and Sgt. Maj. Richard George, 226th Operations Sergeant Major. During his remarks, Yardman (a baseball fan and Little League coach) told Ortega, “I know you’re going to knock it out of the park.”
