SFPS hosts Back to School Bash

NMARNG recruiters were also on hand to interact with the public and field questions from potential recruits. They were joined by a team of U.S. Army active duty recruiters. A variety of schools and community organizations, including the Santa Fe Police Department and Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office, manned booths offering information, games, food and drinks, and even free flu shots to all attendees. SFPS Superintendent Dr. Veronica Garcia officially opened the ceremonies. A color guard from Santa Fe High School’s Navy Junior ROTC program presented the U.S. and New Mexico flags at the stage, which then showcased music, dancing, and performances from student groups. The park is named after the late Maj. Gen. Franklin Miles, who retired as the Adjutant General of New Mexico. After returning from World War II, Miles championed the creation of baseball fields around the city for local youth. (Photos by Douglas Mallary, NMNG Public Affairs)
