Spc. Lewark dignified transfer of remains

er. Lewark was serving overseas in support of Operation Enduring Freedom-Horn of Africa.

The dignified transfer of remains was attended by family, friends, coworkers, and members of the NMNG. Soldiers from the NMNG Military Funeral Honors Program carried Lewark off of the aircraft to be escorted to Moriarty, N.M., by a procession of loved ones and emergency vehicles from the Mountainair Police Department and Mountainair Fire and Rescue. Team Kirtland Base Honor Guard presented the colors. “Lewark served his country honorably and you should all be very proud of him,” Maj. Gen. Kenneth Nava, the adjutant general of New Mexico, said to the family before the transfer. “You will always be part of the Guard family and we will always be here for you.” Lewark is survived by his parents, Frank and Susan Lewark, his wife Brandi Lewark, his sons Ryder Lewark and Mason Overstreet, his daughter Lilly Lewark, his brother Trever Lewark, and his sister Becky Zuchowski. Funeral services are scheduled to be held Monday, March 2, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. at the Moriarty Civic Center. [gallery link="file" ids="4448,4439,4438,4436,4435,4434,4433,4431,4430,4429,4428,4427,4426,4425,4423,4424"]  