State programs leadership navigates team building course

While they normally attend seminars and communications courses, Martinez said this was the first time they have done something as physical as this type of team building for training purposes. “They have learned that there is no ‘I’ in team and they know they have to listen to each other and work together,”Martinez said. “Each person brings their own unique skills to the organization, and if they put all those skills and qualities together, there is nothing the can’t achieve. As frustrated as they became at times, I am very proud of what they learned today.” Maj. Gen. Ken Nava, the Adjutant General of New Mexico, visited the team as they were navigating their obstacles and offered his leadership expertise. “First, make sure everyone understands the problem and validate what the goal is,” Nava said. “When you are confronted with such obstacles, ask your team for their ideas and listen to all ideas that are out there. The leader is then the one who gets to make the choice of which idea he or she likes best. If you have to adjust fire, you do so and navigate the obstacle.”]]>