Taos Feeds Taos marks 35 years of caring for neighbors

By Maj. Mario Chaparro, 615th Transportation Battalion
TAOS, N.M. – Although New Mexicans are currently experiencing the harsh reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not stopping the spirit of giving and community support.
The 615th Transportation Battalion continued the 35-year tradition of supporting Taos Feeds Taos this month. After ensuring necessary safety mitigations were in place, event staff carried out their annual mission of providing for their neighbors.
At the beginning of Taos Feeds Taos in 1986, now retired 1st Sgt. Francis Cordova coordinated the New Mexico National Guard’s support of the program. The Taos Readiness Center, home to the 1115th Transportation Company, serves as the yearly distribution center for donated groceries. National Guard personnel transport groceries to other communities in Taos County and have traditionally carried family boxes to recipients’ cars.
In response to the pandemic this year, Taos Feeds Taos provided 1,175 food vouchers—each worth $75—to recipients instead of boxes of groceries. Recipients have until the end of the month to use the vouchers.
Recipient families are also receiving a full-sized ham to help them celebrate the holiday season.
For two days, Soldiers of the 615th and 115th bagged groceries, passed out hams, and helped senior citizens take their groceries to the vehicles at the Super Save here.
Keeping safety a priority, the Soldiers also ensured all customers were wearing masks and maintaining social distance. The Soldiers also helped disinfect grocery cars in the process.